Join New York Times bestselling author Bruce Piasecki at Caffè Lena for an afternoon of stories, memories and interactive conversation. He will also dive into personal narratives about book tours of Australia, his personal conversations with Tom Wolfe, his admiration for Bob Dylan and other master storytellers, artists, and sustainability leaders, and read from his latest book, A New Way to Wealth. Musical accompaniment for this episode is provided by Gordon Lambert. Piasecki has dedicated 40 years of his life to climate solutions with years of experience working for The White House, helping big corporations get on board his fight for climate solutions, and asking his audience to be part of the discussion. He has advised major corporations on social response capitalism, sustainability, and innovation and has worked for over a third of the Fortune 500 in change management, including BP, Merck, and Toyota, among others.

An afternoon of stories, conversation & music with Bruce Piasecki & Gordon Lambert at Caffè Lena
The Creative Process Podcast · Arts, Culture & Society