By Douglas Park
Amanistic Urbiance & Urbient Amanism
Meanwhile, everywhere or most areas only ever wear or actually are and maybe even cause unchanging and sameness; never quite identical or repetitive; always or mainly invariable and uniform.
All that, despite perpetual self-conscious suspicion, awareness, sense and knowledge of need, desire, yearning and urge for rift against and away from majority and norm. Desperate and unrequited — but driving-fuel and life-force.
Not merely just more buildings or another physical presence, instead truly different and separate, special and unique.
Utmost discretion beyond merely hidden and secret prevents easy or any deliberate finding.
Involuntary straying alone will discover premises and enable entry behind external façade, although premeditated and intentional planning on-purpose and off-chance opportunism prove futile and impossible.
Interior décor and household contents? Otherwise remote and unspoiled natural environments, desert terrain, exotic rainforest jungle, countryside, etc.
Unignored, allover window, door, elevator and staircase free zone, anonymous movement action, heavy-duty roadworks and industrial-strength machinery. Ominous, felt, almost heard and nearly touched, yet unlocatable.
Each single room and entire storey travels restlessly. Places switch about in inconclusive turnaround. Size taken is either shrunk microbe or overgrown cosmos. Shape and form also elasticate. As well as amount alternating between below less than none to many times above infinite. Spaces overlap, eclipse, misregister, multi-expose and interplay.
However, during this eternal hyperactivity certain havens remain stable. Unlit and airless basement cellar preserves fresh mountain range and clear sky cloudscape; which crawl, climb, hover and glide along and over floor, wall, ceiling and surfaces. Furthermost attic hosts both tropical glacier and arctic coral reef fresh and sea water; waves, tide, current and flow swim endless cycle, of one lap-of-honour, after the next.
Throughout, there is exploratory patrol, tour, haunting and orbit, by solar system, astral constellations, weather and climate.
Resident vapor, sweat, fumes, moondust, sunlight and aura join forces altogether. Soon, they outwardly breathe, broadcast, transmit and export themselves. Their castaway offspring occupy, infect, pollinate, breed, influence, takeover, transform and replace what, where and who landed upon.
Until, for ever, afterwards, more and lasting: risky adventure and adventurous risk; threatening excitement and exciting threat; dangerous pleasure and pleasurable danger; harmful joy and joyous harm.
Amanistic Urbiance & Urbient Amanism
Self-enacting eco and / or mutant city.
A case-study specimen example of my "Naturfice & Artiture" idiom and genre — nature + artifice — give or take somewhat more than only just some "FlaneURbanistix" — Flaneu/r/se + Urban.
361 / three hundred & sixty one words
Below Fuselage’s Backstage
From some drafted notes towards a preparatory sketch impression & plan of a maquette for a trial-run rehearsal & practice testbench …
Yet more under-the-counter cottage-industry. Only, unlike the rest. Being indoor geophysics storyplay and gametelling.
Production-laboratory and assembly-line give birth to homegrown landmasses. Portable scenery hatched-out and built. Living settlements blossom and breed. After which, next follows self-enacted gardening and decoration.
Ornamental giftwrapping, chinaware, wallpaper, carpet and embroidery soften and elasticate so much, until flexible enough that they become patterned and moving-image liquid. Precious metal and lapidary jewels melt down, overflowing, hyperactive. Illuminated manuscript astral and solar system spontaneously combusts. Observatory telescopes cinematically project magick lantern camera obscura peepshow constellation. Archæological excavation dig deciphers encoded cryptic-clue secret-message Delphic-oracle. Arriving at hidden buried-treasure and forensic evidence finds.
Bioalchemical overreaction property-development opportunism. Meteorology, weather and climate real-estate ventures.
Personal-usage, privatized and top-secret planets, cosmos and reality.
Every single spare-part component cell atom and wider almighty grand scheme mutually predict, influence, control, change and replace themselves, each other and all else.
Below Fuselage’s Backstage
D.I.Y, mini, permaculture and commodified geology and universes.
A case-study specimen example of my "KozMERZing" idiom and genre — cosm/ic/os/ses + Kurt Schwitters' "MERZ" solo art movement-revolution (eponymously christened after "KomMERZ und Privatbank"!) + active production.
172 / one hundred & seventy two words
This tour-de-force came to me after I sustained serious injuries, then whilst recovering, during my convalescence and treatment faze, until I eventually got better.
It (hopefully) encourages shared speculation on what and how eventual or sudden becoming alive — again — or for the very 1st time ever — might be or truly is.
As though not just awareness, perception or experience etc — but gradual or instant life — or even reality itself — starting.
From the point-of-view of a post-cryonics extinct woolly mammoth and / or resurrected prehistoric fish.
Brought to mind…
Re/awakening up (or re/birth).
Accounts of senses returned — or actually begun.
Representational artist, art-educator and author, Jean Parry-Williams’ imaginary composition — whereby she attempted to pictorially capture Jesus Christ’s miracle of restored and given eyesight — as the blind themselves would see; pointilliste, blurred and hazy vision, emergent focus and clarity; later, others found her estimate portrayal proved startingly convincing, realistic, familiar and known.
Benjamin Peret’s mid 1920s early automatiste story, Corps A Corps (hand on hand combat, one to one interaction, etc), kicking off when protagonist or main personage etc comes around at the base of a carafe bottle flask jar.
That quality or characteristic occurring at — or actively caused by — openers of musical pieces — Edvard Grieg's Morgenstimmung, The Velvet Underground’s Sunday Morning, Kraftwerk's 2nd Kometenmelodie, The Tights’ China’s Eternal and Einsturzende Neubauten’s Ich bin das Letzte Biest am Himmel, etc.
Marcel Marien's aphorism (in his Crystal Blinkers — and quoted by fantastic artist, Albin Brunovsky), "Have you ever been alive? Curious sensation, isn't it?"
John Cleese as Bazil Fawlty in his own Fawlty Towers sitcom, sarcastically declaring something, "Almost worth staying alive for."
Industrial band, Throbbing Gristle’s thematic Journey Through a Body album, lead-in track, Medicine — audibly enacting entering the world into hospital conditions.
Although extreme opposite equivalent of Throbbing Gristle offshoot, Coil, playing about with mutant and ominous yet celestial Steve Reich Octets and radio signal and feedback noise, for their speculative approximation of The First Five Minutes After Death and The First Five Minutes After Violent Death.
Etc, etc, etc.
Restful zone, landmass, subcontinent and absolutely nothing else whatsoever. Only not some mere deceased or inanimate unit or slab. But asleep and dreaming hybrid cross-between stainless steel, cast iron and fortress rockface, with flameproof pack-ice worked into the mix. Resist and immune against fire and burn, so meant never defrost, thaw-out, softness, molten or liquefy.
Manufacturing-base depot, original source from which arctic and polar sub-zero freeze-factor conditions get born, exhaled breath sent long-distance, straight through any solid barrier that obstructs progress during the course of their duty.
Usually or forever, mostly or always, more or less, the very same. Until change and difference starts; stirring, begun deep within, before outward spread, reaching faraway. Advent of soul, awareness, conscience, self, perception and drive. Dormant freewill erupts.
Next, comes room-temperature warmth and real body-heat. Fast joined by newfound sensations, feeling and emotion. At 1st numbness, then discomfiture, pain, surprise, shock, pleasure, joy and amazement. Soon following are energy, movement, action and ability.
Flesh, blood and muscles takeover and replace predecessor. Heavy-duty industrial-strength forces survive, increase and multiply.
Previously unbroken interior becomes infinitely divisible into household-contents. Artery veins; self-assembly components, spare-parts and upgrades; intestinal organs; electronic circuitry and wiring; central nervous system; equipment and weaponry tool-kits. All slotted together and climbing around supportive skeleton bones and armature scaffolding.
Full usage enjoyed of every functional and operative faculty and resource.
Thereafter, metamorphic and evolutionary terrain; living, hyperactive, invincible, omnipotent. Actually being an endless state of growth, mutation and advancement.
No simple façade and complexion or even fixed place, unlike flat and shallow decoration and armour. Vast expanse refuses to settle down, cast anchor or plant roots; instead, flowing onwards ahead, along ground passed over and fed off.
Above and beyond passive and dependent travel and consumption, true agency and cause for alchemical and transformative influence and reform, on everywhere ever briefly gone and flash visited. Supreme and ultimate organic lifeform and superpower deity, rather than just another geological and engineering party-trick and gimmick.
Equally, one almighty deluge, earthquake, tidal-wave, plague, storm and populace.
Fearfully symmetrical + symmetrically fearful (otherwise or supposedly different and separate) "introductory explanation" and / or "explanatory introduction", then (supposed or otherwise) literature — each, same size (340 / three hundred & forty word count score populace both halves of 680 / six hundred & eighty word entirety), together striving towards equal contribution and importance.
This tour-de-force came to me after I sustained serious injuries, then whilst recovering, during my convalescence and treatment faze, until I eventually got better.
It (hopefully) encourages shared speculation on what and how eventual or sudden becoming alive — again — or for the very 1st time ever — might be or truly is.
As though not just awareness, perception or experience etc — but gradual or instant life — or even reality itself — starting.
From the point-of-view of a post-cryonics extinct woolly mammoth and / or resurrected prehistoric fish.
Brought to mind...
Prepared, readiness, await.
Homegrown, domesticated and personal-usage meteorology, weather and climate sector air-condition, centrally heat and cleanse the premises, local neighbourhood and further-a-field beyond. D.I.Y household geological processing and landmasses. Assembly-kit astral-constellation circuitry and solar-system equipment.
Until approached, arrival and enters.
Once indoors, steep, hewn and rugged mountainside walls and fortress albino coalface torrentially perspire overflowing sweat downpour and spillage.
Uphill, scaling, ascend.
Broad daylight majority (with more than just some mist, fog and clouds), eventually or very soon leading to shrunken hermetic enclosure confines.
Ultimate planetarium, supreme control-panel, almighty headquarters.
Shadow blackout darkness nighttime regime. Stain, burn, debris. Place, environs, atmosphere.
View-range-finder-sights, telescope, observatory.
Solitary contents and sunlight-source. Tabletop window hull lunar terrain complexioned porthole lens glazing crystal ball. Serving as prison and trap, but also protection and display. Habitat of rock-pool wishing-well vivarium, full up with snowstorm paperweight toytown.
Active projectionist, as well as empowered puppeteer.
Any stray, idle or careless gesture, movement or touch will influence, prompt, guide, steer, cause and create exterior. From nextdoor area, to elsewhere, then distant long-way-off world, cosmos and reality.
Exvestigative & Inploratory Extrepitude & Inpedition
Report, written about, using, with and even actively generated BY misguided detour around Clifton camera obscura and suspension bridge in Bristol, then subsequent research and insight.
A case-study specimen example of my "KozMERZing" idiom and genre — cosm/ic/os/ses + Kurt Schwitters' "MERZ" solo art movement-revolution (eponymously christened after "KomMERZ und Privatbank"!) + active production.
184 / one hundred & eighty four words
Flesh Blossom Inferno Sunlight
Sheer need and urge drive willpower and mission for invincible command of physical science — or even ultimate almighty order and grand scheme.
Begun and happening at different times and places. Despite apparent and probable lack of connection and influence shared in-common between them. Otherwise separate realities.
Main character, leading role, star. Semi, almost, near or non hero. Some winged being, in flight, unnamable and aimless. Just another exploit, adventure, mishap and blunder after the next — or one such drawn out experience, stretched, long-distance and overgrown. During throughout all along the way lying onwards ahead — then beyond from thereabouts, this supposed ability, gift, power or blessing becomes more of a curse, mostly against themselves, sometimes others encountered.
Real-life fairytale, storytelling and enactment. Mechanical, but polyfaceted, multi-option, flexible and generative. Transport timetable restaurant menu shopping list with remote control puppetmastery voodoo spells. Mathematical and systematic prioritization and gameplay. Personnel, scenario, environment, etc. Total disregard for every obvious status usually expected and customary.
As well as magic and dream, other shared affinities and mutual linkage together include: confusion, trade and interbreeding amongst the natural, synthetic and hybrid; unattributed activation and rearrangement of landscape; artificial and automated cartography or evolution; uncertainty whether relationship, usage and change is benevolence or harm.
Also flora & fauna, geology, weather and cosmos’ self-motivated choreographing and independent regimentation — under-their-very-own-accord. Jewelry constellation and astral mosaic ensues — adding up into spelled out messages gotten across. Whilst immortal servant brandishes tool and weapon, gesturing symbolic forms and motif signage, in the course of duty at being nostalgic and anecdotal, about faraway past ancient history bygone era.
Much done and caused is potential prophecy, omen, ruling and creation of present circumstances — and the future. The only hope and chance towards victory over external enforcement and infliction of inevitability and defeat.
Flesh Blossom Inferno Sunlight
As though some mytholkloregend (or even true real-life experience!) were shrunken down in the wash, deflating, fed through car-crusher, then bonzaid, until below microbe cell atom size!
301 / three hundred & one words
Freshborn Vivarium
Weather, traffic and sport forecast, report, horoscope and score-results; newsflash headline, awareness campaign and commercial promotion advert public announcements; transmitted and broadcast via storms and firework-displays.
Manufacture, built, growth, sown, breed, widespread. Hybrid and mutant, roadkill and stillbirth, crop and super-strain.
Otherwhilst. Mountain peak, woodland forest-floor, tree trunk and branch, desert terrain, street and rooftop lubbing oyster clam mollusk jellyfish. Crude, rough, lumpen and jagged, brutalist rockface facade armor; exoskeleton protective jail; worn by and sheltering precious and special flesh and confectionary blossom and meat inmate and load.
Meanwise. River and sea bed bird’s nest minefield harvest. Floral shipwrecked farmstead and living sunken treasure-trove.
Each constellation and menagerie is potential target victim prey, served up, on offer; but also predatory lure, toxic bait and deathtrap. Both plagues haunt and feed off habitat they infest, as well as inflicting personalized customization onto host playground. Seasonally, these pregnant moulds dispense teardrop jewelry and ammunition.
Underwater kite and flag flying championships self-perform, entirely of their very own accord. Aerial angling contest catches clouds, fowl and aircraft. Mutual puppetry power-struggles exchange between extreme adversary and opponent.
Molten and overflowing liquid glass waves, tide and current slow down and grind to abrupt halt. Stray, feral and wild fuel becoming ice and crystal produce. Terminal outcome legacy? Marquee circus tent observatory settlements …
… Then, as for populace membership …
Freshborn Vivarium
About and / or ACTiVELY AUTHORED BY before / during / after my 2013 visit to Seoul city and Jeju island in South Korea for a project and events.
A case-study specimen example of my "Naturfice & Artiture" idiom and genre — nature + artifice.
226 / two hundred & twenty six words
/ / |< / |/| +
O |3 S + / |< |_
Vacant Obstacle
Synthetic geology
Sterile genetics
Without end, constant blank and flat exterior, straight underneath which is shallow, then empty throughout
Not a single corner, edge, boundary or any elsewhere
Weather, climate and atmosphere are only some optional-extra service, special side-effects and wastage-disposal byproduce
Otherwise, forever lifeless
But during beforehand, until meanwhile and since eventually
Dormant, stirring, awoken, hyperactive
Spray-on and self-adhesive steamrollered and panel-beaten screen and membrane mutate and evolve as:
Worktop terrain
Façade complexion
Mountainside wallpaper
Flesh veneer
Carpet landmass
Armor-plated organism
Biological fortress
Wearable growth =
Scaly and porous
Foliate and blossoming
Hair and fur
Plumage and feathers
Outer covering, to:
Shelter and defend;
Disguise and hide;
Decorate and beautify
Yet still sealed-off hermetic enclosure
Despite that, just behind, within, beyond and all around
Spacious chasm, pure vastness and infinite capacity
Unfathomable upright high, sideways wide and long distant
Open and free-range expanse
Every thing and place,
From between
Close-up feature
Faraway scenic vista entirety
Immortally fresh
Perpetual-motion newbirth and resurrection
/ / |< / |/| + O |3 S + / |< |_ (Vacant Obstacle)
Relationship between human element, nature, society and artifice (much of the concerns and content — including self-authored christening title — are from some previous visual artwork).
178 / one hundred & seventy eight words
WevvaMilz & MetWrx
Homegrown, personal-use, private and top-secret bonsai, pet, toy and baby comet, star, spacecraft and planet breeding farm, vivarium, sanctuary and habitat.
Game puzzle playthings, illuminated manuscript zodiac sign map, working model, tool-kit, equipment and actual cottage industry.
Astral constellation circuitry and solar system escapement serve manufacturing-base cosmos.
Season and climate special side-effect service and sector.
Every populace member orbiting, upon and around where and what ever some very spot or other might be and thereabouts or so; yet uneven, irregular, asymmetrical and lopsided; decentralization; nearly off-balance.
Each one outstretches elastic and umbilical pendulum limb. Sensor pad blossoming from furthest end.
They all hang and reach down, until ground level struck.
Low-flying exploratory plowshares touch base, set foot and tread. They sink, plunge and swim inside open-plan drain tomb colliery grave.
Scraping straight through, depths probed and far below.
Gutter window box, feeding trough balcony and trench veranda.
Stir, whisk, churn, sift, split and mix.
Hideaway, protectively sheltering unknown mystery contents. Wastage disposal byproduce.
Special formula driving fuel.
Dredge, loosen, airlift, freeing-up, liberate.
Buried treasure trove goldmine unscathed, left behind, forgotten and lost.
Just above that, emerges self-lit glow-in-the-dark cinema screen windowpane.
Promotional demonstration.
Windshield wiper, chimney sweep and drive-in carwash housework spring-cleanse mission impossible versus shopsoiling defacement oilslick landfill spillage.
Seismograph battlefield tapestry forest.
Only no mere picture postcard, peep show, movie, backdrop, mural, scenic vista, decoration and trickery.
Instead, real vision or even true miracle.
Fast living and hyperactivity; undergrowth tree branch, roof and cliff top, mountain range peak, tidal wave, cloud, wildlife and crowd, parade, skyline and storm; perpetual-motion change-around and turnover, never staying the same, but flashed up, then worn off, before replacement by others, only for more after them.
Ultimate, omnipotent and invincible superpowers possess, master and enforce long-distance puppetry, remote-control and voodoo spells; wishes made, which foretell, oversee, decide, affect, create, rule, use and own entire underlying force, grand scheme, almighty order and general reality.
Whilst earthbound activations drag and push back — also conducted effort sent — potentially causing unignorable impact and effect — as well as attempted influence and guiding of developments — at least partial difference and change.
Infinite cycles, immortally everlasting, survival beyond eternity.
WevvaMilz & MetWrx (WeatherMills & MetWorks)
Tribute unto life, times, work, contribution and legacy of lating greating, Filipino (but global) polymath, David Medalla.
Specifically, his "Mud Machines", “autocreative” motorized reliefs, with visible (star, planet, solar system and cosmos!) workings and parts playfully smearing ever-changing gestural landscape daubs over lit-up panels.
Nota bene: as well as Medalla's self-enacting mobiles, also much other optical, kinetic, light and interactive art has origins, research and development born from, linked to, in cooperation with and involving science, technology and industry; similar to much of my own work, infinite references and associations lie behind Medalla’s "Cloud Canyon" bubble bath foam fountain factory chimneys — which themselves impressed or even inspired senior figures such as Marcel Duchamp, Matthias Goeritz and Meret Oppenheim so much they made sculptures appraising their honour; then, Medalla’s next faze after these “biokinetics” was his and other’s "Exploding Galaxy" art-life performance-commune-experience; both before Medalla’s ambitious and still as-yet unrealized proposal to rehabilitate and use the Great Wall of China for the Moon’s outer ring belt — later, provoking my desire that the Great Wall of China be a monorail track the Moon rolls along!
A case-study specimen example of my "KozMERZing" idiom and genre — cosm/ic/os/ses + Kurt Schwitters' "MERZ" solo art movement-revolution (eponymously christened after "KomMERZ und Privatbank"!) + active production.
362 / three hundred & sixty two words
©, Copyright, Douglas Park
Douglas Park. U.K and Belgium based, internationally active and exposed artist, author, critic and curator.
+ Definition / Formula / Policy / Mission
I usually make written art, prose-essays and almost kinda “normal” supportive essays.
Solo by myself, appearing alongside others, for collaboration and joint-ventures with occasional and more recidivistic serial playmates in crime.
Various forms (exhibits, publication, audio, moving image, online, broadcast, events, residencies, curation, etc).
Languages my work has been translated into number: Arabic, Welsh, French, German, Dutch, Polish, Italian, Korean, Danish and Indonesian.
Much of this evolved from my earlier mainly unexposed (but not entirely outletless) visual art, frequently involving language, whilst I often wrote, as literature and art-connected.
I invariably found excuses to justify including self-authored writings, as well as readymade text and modified material.
Predominantly, I came up with deadpan oneliner jokes and gameplay about, using, with and even actively generated BY: category, definition, contradiction and meaning; challenges and attacks against constructs of value, worth, status and importance; questioning what’s deemed credible, valid and effective; etc, etc, etc.
Always impressing me has been: language, speech, text, words and writing; with art and all else in culture and life; from planning and production, to ensuing outcome’s contents and appearance, then any related and arising activity and material.
Mostly, environments and force, sometimes body and action, occasionally other subject matter and imagery, both made-up and based on reality.
Every single aspect appears as though: familiar and incredible; normal and strange; natural and artificial; attributed and inevitable; benevolent and harmful; etc.
Elements can exercise exchange and influence between each other.
All along, theres uncertain and ambiguous cause, motive, morality and consequence to procedures and conditions.
Site visit, research and other experience adds up.
Additionally, “meta-literature” and “histoires-a-clefs”.
Written about, using, with and even actively generated BY behind-the-scenes, inside-stories, background, origins, development, interpersonal side, occurrences, external reference citation, associativeness and whatever else arises — to my own work and projects involving me.
Pro-accept and include argument, case, grounds and defence versus rejection and excluding?
DouglasParkLandWorldCosmosReality — may seem or be atypical and eccentric — although hopefully valid and poignant.
Intended and attempting to cause an experience — that encourages appreciation, thought, research, exchange, productivity and actual enjoyment.
Mutual development, progressing, evolution ...
©, Copyright, Douglas Park
Woodland, Mountain, Desert, Arctic & Marine Geology, Organic, Climate & Weather Merchandise, Services & Personnel, etc ...
Micro-Colonial-Drift / Growth-Area (via the Scenic-Route), from early 1990’s idea and work, various forms, usages and outlets, since 2001 onwards
Case-study specimen of much I do, whereby the production and experiencing of both made-up and real places feature strongly.
Every single aspect seems to be or is: familiar and incredible; normality and strangeness; natural and artificial; attributed and inevitable; benevolence and harm; etc.
Throughout, severely uncertain and ambiguous cause and motive behind procedures — then morality and consequence.
Remote-Control Divine-Appointment Natural-Selection Chosen-Few Promised-Land Cornucopia, in THE QUEEL, anthology, edited by Dr. Clementine Deliss, Metronome, London, 2002
Part of site visit and research project input. About the (then-new) Chelsea College of Art & Design on the former premises of the Royal Army Medical Corps and even earlier Millbank Prison. Satirizing the recruitment and exploitation of human and any other resources, used for whatever purposes, then disposal and wastage thereof.
The 1st in my sequence of self-quoted brief works and extracts I narrated to accompany Alex Hamilton’s “Ice Trumpetryeering”. Because of being “conical”. Next, afterwards is “glacia” — with the extreme opposite.
Foreword-poem, Standstill Voyage-Of-Discovery On-The-Spot, preface introducing Melissa Moore's Land Ends photobook, published by SKIRA, of Milan, in 2013
Based on Melissa Moore’s Land Ends photoworks, personal snapshots and accounts of Hornby Island, in Western Coast Canada. Encouraging personal interest and research. Whilst still very much considering serious realities affecting any such living conditions and possible options.
Untitled commentary and voiceover, What’s the song that goes OOO Oh Oh?, Laurie Charles & Carl Palm’s travel movie, Gotland & Paris, 2015
Vinetrilogue, in The Lesson of the Vine / Die Lektion der Rebe (English / German, translated by Boris Kremer), anthology, edited by Rut Blees Luxemburg, Everyday Press, London, 2019
Invited contribution to Rut Blees Luxemburg’s public art project in her native Mosel of the German Rhineland about that region’s and other winegrowing.
Reciting Vinetrilogue, for Rut Blees Luxemburg’s Urban Harvest, solo exhibition, at PEER, London (included in Zed Nelson’s The Street, 2019 documentary)
What are your thoughts on the kind of world we are leaving for the next generation?
Even now, still the potential to even now still help and save mankind and society — but that needs practical and moral input — with sustained and ongoing respect and interaction!
+ Definition / Formula / Policy / Mission
I usually make written art, prose-essays and almost kinda “normal” supportive essays.
Solo by myself, appearing alongside others, for collaboration and joint-ventures with occasional and more recidivistic serial playmates in crime.
Various forms (exhibits, publication, audio, moving image, online, broadcast, events, residencies, curation, etc).
Languages my work has been translated into number: Arabic, Welsh, French, German, Dutch, Polish, Italian, Korean, Danish and Indonesian.
Much of this evolved from my earlier mainly unexposed (but not entirely outletless) visual art, frequently involving language, whilst I often wrote, as literature and art-connected.
I invariably found excuses to justify including self-authored writings, as well as readymade text and modified material.
Predominantly, I came up with deadpan oneliner jokes and gameplay about, using, with and even actively generated BY: category, definition, contradiction and meaning; challenges and attacks against constructs of value, worth, status and importance; questioning what’s deemed credible, valid and effective; etc, etc, etc.
Always impressing me has been: language, speech, text, words and writing; with art and all else in culture and life; from planning and production, to ensuing outcome’s contents and appearance, then any related and arising activity and material.
Mostly, environments and force, sometimes body and action, occasionally other subject matter and imagery, both made-up and based on reality.
Every single aspect appears as though: familiar and incredible; normal and strange; natural and artificial; attributed and inevitable; benevolent and harmful; etc.
Elements can exercise exchange and influence between each other.
All along, theres uncertain and ambiguous cause, motive, morality and consequence to procedures and conditions.
Site visit, research and other experience adds up.
Additionally, “meta-literature” and “histoires-a-clefs”.
Written about, using, with and even actively generated BY behind-the-scenes, inside-stories, background, origins, development, interpersonal side, occurrences, external reference citation, associativeness and whatever else arises — to my own work and projects involving me.
Pro-accept and include argument, case, grounds and defence versus rejection and excluding?
DouglasParkLandWorldCosmosReality — may seem or be atypical and eccentric — although hopefully valid and poignant.
Intended and attempting to cause an experience — that encourages appreciation, thought, research, exchange, productivity and actual enjoyment.
Mutual development, progressing, evolution ...