How can cultivating curiosity within an organization transform it from a place of work into a community driven by passion and purpose? Why is wetland conservation crucial for combating climate change, and how can public-private partnerships make a difference? What are the keys to maintaining operational excellence and how can we pursue excellence in our personal and professional lives?


What happens is that companies get complacent. Things go well for a long time. All publicly traded companies are under tremendous financial pressure. Everyone's looking at quarterly earnings and all that, and they take their eye off of safety and operational excellence. And you can't do that.

Two-part interview:

The Daily Pursuit of Excellence with SAM SMOLIK
Business & Society Limited Series - The Creative Process
Leadership & Operational Excellence - SAM SMOLIK Explores the Secrets of Success
Business & Society Limited Series - The Creative Process

When you get to know people, you find out these organizations really are a collection of people, and people decide which way a company goes. Is it sustainable? Is it very good sustainably, or are they doing the wrong things and, you know, just hiding it? And so they wanted me to get involved in organizations. Get active with our industry associations because you can help drive the right performance and attitude across the industry. It's amazing how much influence you can have, but they also wanted me to get to know the NGOs that had an interest in our activities. So I interfaced with Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth and all those organizations.


It's like our energy transition. We all know where we want to go to, but how fast can you go? That's the question. You don't want to destroy what we have today moving too fast. And you don't want to just keep delaying progress, you know? So we have to keep pushing, doing the right thing, but technology will help drive it.


You need to love and enjoy your work. Every day of my working life, I woke up excited about going to work and achieving things. And I think if you can achieve that in your life, it's just so much better.

Sam Smolik retired as Senior Vice President, Americas Manufacturing for LyondellBasell Industries in 2017. He previously served as Global Vice President for Environment, Health, and Safety for LyondellBasell, Shell, and The Dow Chemical Company. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Axalta Coating Systems, FlyGuys, and Ducks Unlimited Inc. He also serves on the Engineering Advisory Board at The University of Texas at Austin.

Sam authored The Power of Goal ZERO and The Daily Pursuit of Excellence to share the many proven performance improvement concepts that he and his colleagues developed and perfected throughout a 50 year global career. His focus is on leadership, people development, culture, operational excellence, management systems, ESG, sustainable development, and achieving superior performance in organizations.

Sam Smolik graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin. He and his wife, Stephanie, live in Houston, Texas.