Gordon Lambert shares insights from his decades-long journey, addressing his roles, strategies, and contributions to environmental change and corporate evolution.

Lambert has been engaged in business and sustainability in the energy sector for 40 years. In 2015, Lambert was appointed by the Premier and Cabinet to the five-person panel that designed the Alberta Climate Leadership Plan. In 2016, he chaired the Alberta Climate Leadership Technology and Innovation Task Force, with $1.4 billion in carbon levy revenue being committed to innovation as an outcome. He also serves on the Export Development Canada CSR advisory council and as the Suncor Energy and Sustainability Executive in Residence at the Ivey Business School.

Leading Change: An Interview with GORDON LAMBERT on Business, Sustainability & Creative Tension
Business & Society Limited Series - The Creative Process

From November 2018 to April 2020, he served as the interim CEO of the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER). For 17 years, he led Suncor Energy’s sustainability strategy, innovation, and embedding efforts, retiring in January 2015. He played a key role in the design and creation of Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA), involving a globally unique collaboration model, that has resulted in the sharing of $1.3 billion worth of intellectual property to accelerate environmental performance improvement.


I think curiosity is one of those traits of anyone involved in the change realm that takes you always to the right spots, like you're going to be in a learning mode, you're going to be in a collaborative mode because of that desire to learn more. And it does keep you humble. You know, arrogance is the enemy of the good. And you never want to think that you have all the answers or that it's just a case of talking louder with better PowerPoints, that you're going to convince everyone as to why you're right and they're all wrong. You know, I use the phrase, listen and respond versus declare and defend. And I've seen too many leaders over time that are in the declare and defend mindset and they're very closed down because they're smarter than everyone else. They don't need advice. We see it in leadership and lots of places in society nowadays.

The Concept of Creative Tension

A pivotal concept that Gordon Lambert has successfully utilized in his career is creative tension. This idea suggests that tension or discomfort can be productive when channeled positively. Lambert elaborates on this by explaining how he applied this concept in both his business strategies and personal creative endeavors, such as his passion for music.

Gordon Lambert credits Peter Senge, the originator of the creative tension model, which he describes as visualizing two circles: the current state and the desired future state, connected by a line representing the change journey. This model, illustrated in The Dance of Change, helped Suncor navigate substantial organizational transformations. By introducing an elastic band metaphor, Lambert suggests that this journey involves stretching and relieving tension by taking action.

Implementing Change in the Energy Sector

Lambert provides concrete examples of implementing creative tension within Suncor, particularly in the area of safety. The introduction of the "journey to zero" initiative significantly improved safety outcomes, fundamentally shifting the company's culture and mindset. Workshops and creative engagement with employees were critical in achieving these transformative results.

Lambert's tenure witnessed Suncor’s exponential growth, from a sub-billion-dollar company to a $60 billion entity, catapulting it to one of Canada’s leading firms. Lambert shares insights into managing large-scale operations, highlighting the intricate balance between safety and high production demands.

Climate Leadership in Alberta

A significant part of the discussion focuses on Lambert's role in Alberta’s Climate Leadership Plan. In 2015, Lambert was the only industry representative on the five-person panel appointed by the premier to draft a comprehensive climate strategy for Alberta, which included bold initiatives like phasing out coal-fired power by 2030. Remarkably, Alberta achieved this six years ahead of schedule.

This initiative faced skepticism and accusations of unrealistic goals but demonstrated Lambert's commitment to advancing environmental policy and action. The collaboration among diverse team members and stakeholders was crucial to its success.

Early Career and Influences

Gordon Lambert’s early influences include his background as a competitive hockey player and a marine biologist. Both experiences shaped his character, resilience, and approach to problem-solving in the business world. Sports taught Lambert about the importance of teamwork, discipline, and handling competitive pressure. In contrast, marine biology instilled a deep understanding of environmental systems and the need for sustainable practices.

Navigating Corporate and Environmental Challenges

Lambert recounts his strategic move to integrate renewable energy within Suncor, a visionary decision initiated in 2001. By committing $100 million to the wind power business, that grew to be 8 billion invested, Lambert facilitated a broader conversation about renewable energy policies in Canada, leading to significant investments and advancements in the industry. His dual role as an environmental advocate and credible business strategist underscores the importance of balancing sustainability with economic viability.

The Importance of Collaboration and Listening

A recurring theme in Lambert’s narrative is the power of collaboration and deep listening. He emphasizes breaking down silos and engaging with diverse stakeholders to achieve common goals. Lambert’s approach has always been about fostering inclusive dialogues and valuing different perspectives to drive innovative solutions.

Personal Reflections and Music

Lambert shares the personal side of his journey, reflecting on how his lifelong passion for guitar playing has been a source of creativity and resilience. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Lambert dedicated time to enhancing his musical skills, applying the concept of creative tension to push beyond his comfort zone.

Reflections on the Beauty and Wonder of the Natural World

Reflecting on his time in nature, particularly on his drift boat, Lambert expresses a profound connection to the environment. He advocates for deep stewardship and the importance of appreciating and preserving natural wonders. These experiences reinforce his resolve to drive environmental and societal change.

In passing along his sense of urgency and optimism, he calls for broad collaboration, adaptive thinking, and persistent effort to navigate the daunting challenges of climate change and sustainability. By fostering a culture of listening and responding, rather than declaring and defending, Lambert believes that meaningful and accelerated progress is possible. He shares a valuable blueprint for integrating sustainability within the corporate framework. His dedication to creative tension, collaboration, and deep listening highlights the intricate dynamics of driving change in today’s complex world. As Lambert continues to inspire future leaders and catalyze environmental innovations, his legacy stands as a testament to the power of thoughtful, inclusive, and determined action in shaping a sustainable future.