What is conscious capitalism? How can we create businesses that are more holistic and connected to the communities they serve?

Dr. Larry Clay Jr. teaches business modeling. His focus is on business management research, sustainable development analytics and leadership development to create sustainable value for enterprises, communities, and cities.

What is conscious capitalism? Sustainable Development & Leadership with DR. LARRY CLAY JR.
Business & Society Limited Series - The Creative Process


My whole idea is to find ways to promote and support entrepreneurship. So, my version of entrepreneurship is designing sustainable systems. There is no need to continue doing the same thing so that we can anticipate the same results of building a traditional business. Now, we have an opportunity to explore how you want your business to be. How do you want the organization? How do you want the mindset of the people that you want to hire? When people take the time–not everybody loves to take the time because we live in this world, we have to get it done–but when you take the time to conversate and build using both logic and creativity and thinking about prospecting, what can be possibilities in the future, then that brings along a good dialogue. It brings people together and empowerment, and good ideas come out that turn into good, profitable companies.