The Art of Fiction with Author, Musician, Satirist T.C. BOYLE

The Art of Fiction with Author, Musician, Satirist T.C. BOYLE

Novelist · Short Story Writer

What I have done in my career is just try to assess who we are, what we are, why we are here, and how come we, as animals, are able to walk around and wear pants and dresses and talk on the internet, while the other animals are not. It's been my obsession since I was young. I think if I hadn't become a novelist, I might have been happy to be a naturalist or a field biologist.

JEANNIE VANASCO -  Award-Winning Memoirist, Educator, Author of "Things We Didn't Talk About When I Was a Girl"

JEANNIE VANASCO - Award-Winning Memoirist, Educator, Author of "Things We Didn't Talk About When I Was a Girl"

Award-Winning Memoirist, Author & Educator

What interested me about this particular experience is that I didn’t have the language to attach to it in the way I had the language to attach to a later experience that I would have no trouble calling rape, but happened to me and I call Mark in the book. I didn’t know what to call that for the longest time, so I didn’t know what to feel about it, and so as a writer that interests me. When I don’t have the words for something, when I sense that inevitably I’m going to fail.