I think that one of the biggest aspects of the natural world that we should aim to preserve is our natural food system. Industrial agriculture has distanced us from our roots in cultivating our soil in conjunction with nature’s rhythms, and working alongside the seasons rather than against them. Today, most consumers in the western world can purchase non-seasonal fruits and vegetables, which contributes to the degradation of our soil health. We need to get back to working with nature, rather than against it, to provide the most fresh and nutritious food possible to the population. 

Working towards this goal is a complicated issue, but it connects with my biggest career goal: to minimize food deserts on a federal level. Under this structure, our food system does not have adequate resources to provide enough fruits and vegetables for the entire adult population, leaving those who live in low-income neighborhoods without access to these foods. Under a system that would prioritize equitable and adequate produce growth, lower-income communities would have access to these foods and be at a lower risk for diet related diseases.

I am the face behind www.thesingingsweetpotato.com, my blog, which has a connected Instagram page, podcast, and newsletter. This has been a big passion project of mine for years. I share bits of my life that I hope inspire others, and promote wellness through a more accessible lens than much of the overall wellness industry. Recently, I have also expanded that definition of “wellness” to include the community at large, as much of the wellness industry is disproportionately focused on the individual rather than the overall community. In the future, I hope to grow this platform, and connect with people all over the world.
