Bill Novelli co-founded Porter Novelli one of the first social marketing companies and now a global PR agency, he started the Business for Impact program at Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business. He is formerly the CEO of AARP, the president of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, and the COO of CARE USA. He’s the author of Good Business, The Talk, Fight, Win Way to Change the World and coauthor of Fifty Plus: Give Meaning and Purpose to the Best Time of Your Life. He served in and helped reposition and market the Peace Corps and began his career in marketing management at Unilever.

Bill Novelli · Founder Business for Impact Program, Georgetown University ·Co-founder Porter Novelli
Business & Society Limited Series · One Planet Podcast


This is one of the biggest problems that we have in this country. So, on the one hand, we know that we have to take personal responsibility for ourselves, our own health, our families – it's up to us. As some people like to say, you're on your own. And we have to balance that against the concept that we're all in this together. You know, the idea that it takes a village and both sides essentially disrespect the other side. They criticize the other side. No, we're not in this together. It's your own responsibility, and vice versa. If we're going to be good citizens, and we're going to make progress, we have to see both sides of that equation. That's not easy to do.

This interview was conducted by Bruce Piasecki & Mia Funk. Associate Interviews Producer on this podcast was Andrew Green. Digital Media Coordinator was Julia Rhodes.

Business & Society is a 10-episode limited series co-hosted by Bruce Piasecki & Mia Funk.