Ann Hiatt · Leadership Strategist & Author of “Bet on Yourself”

Ann Hiatt · Leadership Strategist & Author of “Bet on Yourself”

Ann Hiatt is a best selling author, executive consultant, speaker, and investor. She is a Silicon Valley veteran with 15 years experience reporting directly to CEOs Jeff Bezos (Amazon) and Eric Schmidt (Google/Alphabet). Ann consults with CEOs and their leadership teams across the globe on c-suite optimization.

Ann has published articles in publications such as Harvard Business Review, Fast Company and CNBC. She has also contributed to articles in The New York Times, Economic Times, The Financial Times and Forbes. Her bestselling book, Bet on Yourself, was published by HarperCollins in 2021.


I am very concerned that the future seems to be consolidated among the 10 wealthiest, most powerful people in the world who are all white guys. And they're great. I know most of them personally. I have mad respect for them, but it's really concerning when a private individual can buy Twitter. It's very concerning when a billionaire can own one of the most important news organizations in the United States. When Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post, at first I was very excited about it because we all know that journalism and journalistic integrity are an essential part of modern democracy.

And that was very much threatened and dismantled by technology because their revenue structure was destroyed with the internet. So they had to reinvent themselves. So at first, when he bought it, I thought, Oh good, he's going to give them new lifeblood. And now I'm like, Oh, no. When we have major billionaires controlling the dialogue, the discussions, the flow of information–whether that's Facebook or Twitter or news organizations, that's really concerning. So my major deliverable and really the motivation behind writing Bet on Yourself was to democratize success, democratize entrepreneurism, and to wake up inside all of us, realizing that whether you're an intrepreneur working in another company, or if you're a more traditional quote, unquote entrepreneur - it doesn't have to be in a garage or getting funding from traditional VC companies. I wanted to wake that up in as many minds as possible that we can make a huge difference. No matter your expertise, your industry, your risk tolerance, there are ways that we can all participate in this, and what we need most, especially now when core algorithms of artificial intelligence are being written, is more participation from more perspectives.

Whether that's cultural...every possible definition of diversity. I want more people participating because what concerns me most about globalization is it's being controlled by about 10 people.

This interview was conducted by Mia Funk & Justin Hayes with the participation of collaborating universities and students. Associate Interviews Producer on this podcast was Eric Rosin. Digital Media Coordinators are Jacob A. Preisler and Megan Hegenbarth.  

Mia Funk is an artist, interviewer and founder of The Creative Process & One Planet Podcast (Conversations about Climate Change & Environmental Solutions).

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