By Dick van Dijk

The creative process is important to me personally as a way of expressing personal stories and thoughts, that hopefully have meaning for more people. My work is about intimacy, love and freedom, which all seem at risk in the larger society. Therefor it is important that the work is ‘loving’ in terms of feeling it evokes but also in the brushstrokes. Queer imagery still lacks in art collections (although a lot is happening), and I find it often navigates between the explicit (sexual) in ‘gay’ art and the invisible (“just friends”) in commercial manifestations. I like to be somewhere ‘inbetween’.

My work is always based in human interaction, small acts of intimacy, close to the skin, attempting to transcend the literal moment. I am very inspired by contemporary artists such as Adrian Ghenie , featured on your site, or Cecily Brown and old masters such as El Greco.

Dick is an Amsterdam-based painter. His work is inspired by the male figure. Dick’s process is one he likens to collage: assembling, de-constructing, and reconstructing collections of layers, full of incident and surprise, reworking scenes from everyday life. Through painterly discoveries during the working process, new dynamics emerge.

The Creative Process is created with kind support from the Jan Michalski Foundation.

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