释恒義大师花了超过三十年的时间思考与研究心灵与身体之间的相互关系, 通过练习功夫和气功将这种知识与身体锻炼巧妙结合为一。他虽有学术背景,但更喜欢生活在位于德国奥特贝格的少林寺欧洲分院。释恒義大师自2010年以来担任此寺庙主持,成为了可持续发展和传播少林文化和哲学的典范。

您现在在收听匠心与欧洲少林寺方丈 是横溢 采访的精选片段。

For more than 30 years, Master Shi Heng Yi has been studying and practicing the interaction between mind and body. His strength is the ability to smoothly combine this knowledge with physical exercises and to practice Martial art –Kung Fu and Qi Gong. He has an academic background but he prefers to live at the Shaolin Temple Europe, Monastery located in Otterberg, Germany. Since 2010 he has been taking care of the settlement and he personifies sustainable development and spreading Shaolin culture and philosophy.

精选片段:MASTER SHI HENG YI: 少林寺第35代宗师 - 校长 Shaolin Temple Europe
The Creative Process Podcast - Spirituality, Culture & Society


Just getting to know what is Buddhism, which is the foundation of every monastery. The Shaolin Temple is in the core, first of all, it’s a Buddhist monastery and when you are starting to read about Buddhism, one of the key sentences, in the beginning, is: With your thoughts, you are creating the world…So it’s very rarely clearly stated that it is the thoughts that are creating the world. Nevertheless, if you are now looking at the practices that the Shaolin Temple offers, that is quite physical. There is a lot of physicality in there, so you might think but why are you saying with thoughts you create the world, but you have so many different physical activities. It is because if you want to have mental freedom. If you want to approach freedom, you cannot just approach freedom by doing things or trying to chase freedom. The freedom that we are looking for is the type of freedom that is derived and that is very closely related to its counterpart, which is very hard restriction or very hard structure. So if you want to experience what freedom is, look at the restrictions of your life.


You and me talking right now, the people who are listening right now, in a hundred years none of us will be here on this earth anymore. When it comes to the individual, it’s always just a question of time until you will be forgotten and this is why it is so important that there is something in our tradition we call “because it’s not the individual, it cannot be lost”. This is when you are investing a part of your lifetime in trying to add something to the spirit, what exists in this world. Sometimes you call it the zeitgeist. Sometimes you call it the consciousness of our earth. It means always ask yourself how can you, with the way you think, with the work that you do, with the way you behave, with the actions that you do–how can you add a piece of spirit? How can you contribute to the spirit that is going to remain even after after your individual death?

This interview was conducted by Mia Funk with the participation of collaborating universities and students. Associate Interviews Producer on this podcast was Anna Iselli. Digital Media Coordinator is Phoebe Brous.

Mia Funk is an artist, interviewer and founder of The Creative Process & One Planet Podcast (Conversations about Climate Change & Environmental Solutions).