The Power of Collaboration & Speaking Truth to Power with GORDON LAMBERT & BRUCE PIASECKI

The Power of Collaboration & Speaking Truth to Power with GORDON LAMBERT & BRUCE PIASECKI


I think curiosity is one of those traits of anyone involved in the change realm that takes you always to the right spots, like you're going to be in a learning mode, you're going to be in a collaborative mode because of that desire to learn more. And it does keep you humble. You know, arrogance is the enemy of the good. And you never want to think that you have all the answers or that it's just a case of talking louder with better PowerPoints, that you're going to convince everyone as to why you're right and they're all wrong. You know, I use the phrase, listen and respond versus declare and defend. And I've seen too many leaders over time that are in the declare and defend mindset and they're very closed down because they're smarter than everyone else. They don't need advice. We see it in leadership and lots of places in society nowadays.