Memory Banda is a human and girls’ rights activist, and the founder and executive director of Foundation for Girls Leadership; a not-for-profit organization in Malawi working to advance and promote girl’s rights, their leadership and their active participation in driving positive change. Girls in Malawi are denied their rights to education, sexual reproductive health, and have fewer opportunities to participate in development and economic activities. They are often victims of sexual gender based violence. Memory led a campaign called “I will marry when I want” that contributed to the passing and enactment of the new law and amendment of Malawi constitution that criminalizes marriages of minors.

Highlights - Memory Banda - Founder of Foundation for Girls Leadership
The Creative Process Podcast - Activism, Culture and Society


One thing that we should remember as young people is that everything allowed us is political by nature. We shouldn't be really scared of getting ourselves into different political aspects of issues around us. Be bold enough to speak out on the biggest challenges that are around you. And at the same time, it's in us to understand what kind of environment I am in? What is it that I can contribute to the problems that I am facing? That young people or people in general facing? So just go on. Be a part of that, and you'll be surprised that you will be the biggest game-changer.

Photo credit: Young Activists Summit

This interview was conducted by Mia Funk & Sydney Field with the participation of collaborating universities and students. Associate Interviews Producer on this podcast was Sydney Field. Digital Media Coordinators are Jacob A. Preisler and Megan Hegenbarth. 

Mia Funk is an artist, interviewer and founder of The Creative Process & One Planet Podcast (Conversations about Climate Change & Environmental Solutions).