Anders Levermann is a professor at the Physics Institute of Potsdam University, Germany, as well as an adjunct senior research scientist of Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Earth Institute at Columbia University, New York. Levermann’s research focuses on climate dynamics and its social-economic impact. His work is used to advise political and economic stakeholders on the issue of climate change. Levermann has been involved in the assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change since 2004. He is a member of the scientific advisory body of UNEP Finance Initiative’s Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance. He is also the head of global economic stability project Zeean

Anders Levermann · Physics Institute of Potsdam U & Snr. Research Scientist, Earth Inst.(Highlights)
One Planet Podcast · Creative Process Original Series

This interview was conducted by Mia Funk & Xiaoshuai He with the participation of collaborating universities and students. Associate Interviews Producer on this podcast was Xiaoshuai He. Digital Media Coordinator is Hannah Story Brown.

Mia Funk is an artist, interviewer and founder of The Creative Process.