JIM SHEPARD - Author of The Book of Aron, Project X, The World to Come starring Casey Affleck, Vanessa Kirby, Katherine Waterston

JIM SHEPARD - Author of The Book of Aron, Project X, The World to Come starring Casey Affleck, Vanessa Kirby, Katherine Waterston

Author of The Book of Aron · Project X · The World to Come starring Casey Affleck, Vanessa Kirby, Katherine Waterston
Winner of the PEN New England Award · The Story Prize · Ribalow Prize for Jewish Literature

In terms of what I'm writing, I'm always trying to make myself a more interesting human being. And so that means I'm coming across these human dilemmas where I'm like what would it have been like to be in that position? And that snags my emotional imagination. I do think that literature is all about extending the empathetic imagination. And so I'm always looking to educate myself in emotional terms, too. Because I'm very interested in the way we respond in those situations where it feels like we both have responsibility, and we don't have responsibility.