Jocelyn Fine

Jocelyn Fine

The creative process is important because it allows us time to look, take in, distill; and ingest the visual world. As an artist and art educator, above all, I want to inspire my students to understand what it means to notice and wonder. Whether I am sharing images of the magic of the sunset, or asking my students to notice the subtle bend of a flower’s stem, or the gentle spirals in a seashell, I am constantly taking the time to encourage my students to pause and take notice. Exploration is essential to art making and allows us to express ourselves and our individuality. I also believe that these skills are easily transferable to other aspects of life. By encouraging risk taking and exploration, we gain confidence and learn how to solve problems. Through the creative process we learn how to work through obstacles and find alternative solutions, and we can begin to understand that there is not one way to make art, just as there is not one way to approach a challenge



Art and culture can answer, of course, many questions of human existence. From preserving memory to uniting people of different views in the space of aesthetics. It serves as a method of cognizing oneself and the other. It unites and creates reasons for discussion. Art is present in every sphere of human life. Perhaps we can also say that art shows and indicates that a human being was present here. In this sense, supporting culture, developing culture, and inspiring people to explore and experience life creatively is a way to preserve humanity and increase its humanness.

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Art in any of its manifestations is the form of the human being in which he shows his soul. It shows its legacy, the interior and it is the art and the observation of art that makes you prepetuen ideas, concepts, illusions. The creativity of being is the ultimate expression of what we are capable of doing.

Alive in the Luminous Monolith

Alive in the Luminous Monolith

On the edges of the thruway
threading New York
to New Jersey
a stone’s throw from the Whitney Houston
service area
find the real heart of America
stubborn icon
of America’s plains
rough grass growing
taking in
the landscape
of trucks crowding
all of daylight
rough grass remembering
the feet of five nations 

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Robert Houser

Robert Houser

I was going to upload images of my sculpture but I’m not certain if you deal with 3D works of art. I was curious to see your invite on Instagram because I have spoken on a handful or podcasts on the topic of creativity, so I was interested. Cheers.

Heidi Lanino

Heidi Lanino

The Creative Process' mission to celebrate the transformative power of the arts deeply resonates with my practice. As an artist, I strive to explore the boundaries between the real and the imagined, the visible and the hidden, fostering introspection and a connection to shared human experiences.

J. Pennards-Sycz

J. Pennards-Sycz

The creative process is deeply important to me because it is the very essence of humanity—an international language that transcends barriers of culture, age, and circumstance. I witness daily how creativity fosters joy, understanding, and connection in my workshops. Art has an incredible ability to heal, offering solace and expression where words often fail. It’s a process that reminds us of our shared humanity and innate ability to create beauty, even in the face of challenges.

Or Can’t You See How We’re Weaving Ourselves Tight? ; Or How Do You Keep Track of All the Keys You Once Owned?; Will She Be Able to Concoct a Potion Steeped With Her Inner Thoughts?

Or Can’t You See How We’re Weaving Ourselves Tight? ; Or How Do You Keep Track of All the Keys You Once Owned?; Will She Be Able to Concoct a Potion Steeped With Her Inner Thoughts?

The Arts, Culture & The Creative Process are indispensable for self-expression and communication. Through this creative process, we delve into our subconscious and forge poems, musical pieces, paintings, or sculptures that help us understand ourselves and explore the world. Art is a universal form of expression linking people and cultures, erasing distances in time and space, and allowing a better understanding. Through art, we realize that we all share more similarities than differences. The Creative Process project is a much-needed endeavor, opening doors and avenues for renewal and collaboration. The different disciplines cross-pollinate and engage in an inter-artistic dialogue between artistic creations and renewed perspectives.

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Desert Spring

Desert Spring

Artist identify things that are being experienced consciously or unconsciously by their audience, like putting a melody or face to it.
For the painting (Desert Spring 72 x 58 x 1.5" o/c) I've submitted, my inspiration comes from my experience in West Texas, at a place I visit frequently. A place where I used to consider the edge of the desert I now consider a desert.

Three Poems from The Future is Trying to Tell Us Something

Three Poems from The Future is Trying to Tell Us Something

Someone spilled a drop of me

and now I'm everywhere,
immersing pebbles on the shore,
scaring nesting plovers,

boring their endangered chicks
with unasked-for confessions
that I was young once too,

that I can't fly either,
that I startle myself
when I glimpse my face in the mirror.

Women Goddesses Series

Women Goddesses Series

The arts are important because we express the beauty of being human within it. That capability of creating out of ideas and materials is precious. And I believe that this is what constitutes us, or better, what defines us. Maybe some people do this job in somehow more expressive and outstanding manner. Still, the creative process begins its motion every time that we look at the sky, we pay attention to a human expression, or we care about Nature. It is precisely there when the magic begins.

 I Am Not the Ocean’s Daughter


Eden, as an idea, is woven into the fabric of human existence. The idea of home and sanctuary cross cultures. Navigating across seas, through forest, over mountains, along sandy shores to collectively reside as a longing in our hearts. In my Eden, I walk the labyrinth of a unique place, a water world sparkling in nostalgia of her decadent past. Sunlight greets moonlight dancing along the tide, keeping me buoyed.

Standing on the Sky

Standing on the Sky

The poem is in response to
Dr. Suzanne Simard's interview.

By Antonia Alexandra Klimenko

The space above the earth
is not separate
from the space beneath its surface
It was not separate
before the earth was born
it is not separate now
though I will no doubt take One breath
and attempt to divide it into two
Nor will it be separate
once this land is no more
and God will perhaps Sighhhh
and release me in Her breath 

This land is my land
because I belong to it
It does not belong to me
It was its own
long before I became mine
It will be ours
long after we arrive and depart as spirit
the Land of the Living 

All land is for the living
All life cannot be parceled off
will not be bought or sold leased bordered
cut down cut up or used up
like so many logs of experience
inch by inch minute by minute
while we sing songs of innoccence or indifference
around somebody else's campfire 

One must give oneself outright
One must give oneself fully as in birth
or in surrender the only good act of war
You my sweet land have taught me this
You my sweet land have taught me
that possession is for those who would be possessed
That owning without sharing without connection
can only choke on its own dust
can only drag under the weight of its own feet 

If one is to breathe freely
one must be willing to live on air
One must be willing to give and to receive life
as a labor of love
To stand on the sky as it passes through angels
To stand in the wind as it passes,..
not as water breaking or rushing by
but in the stillness of change
Like the great oak circling the storm
or the finely tuned rainbowed chords of Time--
for Time runs countless rings around us all
There is no turning your back on The Circle
though I have tried
The Great Circle of Life
is the great leveler of all lands and peoples 

Once I turned my back on you my land
and in kind you yourself became less kind less friendly
No longer did the arms of your branches reach out
to embrace my vision Nor their tender leaves
wave sweetly to me as once they had
Instead your ground grew hard and cold
halting me in my own tracks
The same earth whose underground trails and root-systems
whose arteries less traveled
burned with the flickering flames of a moment's neglect
until at last we snuffed out their glowing embers
which in turn only turned to char and ash 

What grows above ground and reaches for Heaven
is not separate
from that which lies hidden beneath the surface
beyond the complexion of our own Collective Mind 

I who had turned my back on you
had turned my back on myself
I who had withheld myself from you
had withheld something valuable from myself
Had I until now looked only with my eyes?
Had I not seen or felt with my being
the most important invisible of life?
That which may only be made visible
through the eyes of the heart
At the core of Any and there not a living pulse?
At the earth's core is there not a beating heart?
Do we not share the same air?
Do we not fall heir to the same DNA
as the moon and the stars? 

This land is my land
because we delight in one another
It is my love It is my lover It is my family
It beckons me with its resonant hills
and the deep contours of its mind
It intoxicates me with the width and breadth of its scent
It waits for me faithfully in both light and in shadow
in faith and uncertainty. through all the seasons of the soul
It waits for me in harmony and trembles at my approach
It rises up to meet me as I come to greet it
She is coming she is coming she is coming she's coming!
my land whispers with the joy from which springs all Creation
from leaf to leaf wing to wing ear to ear
So happy to see you it sings and chants lovingly
gladdened by the return of my own loving presence 

All life is reciprocal
Do we not serve ourselves best by serving others?
You my sweet land have taught me this
I understand now and nod to you in continuum
while your trees sway and bough
evermore deeply to me 

This land is my land
It is my home it is my birthright
It restoreth my soul
Yea though I walk through the valley
you and I pass through one another
dust to dust breath to breath
You and I pass through one another
like clouds or small fishes or the Great Mother
even as She passes through us 

One day I will pass too
as those who have passed before me
and recede into my memory
as the eye its globe
and the land its horizon
One day I shall become part of the moving landscape
as you my loved ones are a moving part of me
The space without me is not separate
from the space within you
That which divides us is merely illusion
There is no separation.
Standing on the sky
owning everything
and nothing but this moment
you must please tell me
(and this sweet land
that is as much yours as it is mine)
when we will meet again

Tell us something about the natural world that you love and don’t wish to lose. What are your thoughts on the kind of world we are leaving for the next generation?
When I think of Nature, I think of Mother Nature and home. I think of the Universe, the breath of sky within and without, and the circle of the planet's embrace in which we are held. I think of our natural world as that family circle.. What i don't wish any of us to lose is the cycle of birth and rebirth, the river's flow, the gentle unfolding of leaf and foliage The gentle unfolding of all things, for everything tells a story. My feet on the ground, my roots in the sky. I love trees, in particular. The branches that reach upward, their root systems that allow for not only nourishment but communication, that allow trees to send messages to one another. The very fact that trees talk to one another and actually have empathy puts some of us to shame. Sighhhh Nature. The force of nature—that Invisible force made visible in mountains, sea, trees, reproduction, growth. So familiar to us and yet becoming less familiar with each passing year due to the force of man's nature, his propensity for neglect. Global warming, the destruction of forests, the extinction of wildlife threaten our very existence. If is crucial, therefore, that we become more aware, more cognizant of what is happening to the vulnerable world around us, as well as our role in it, otherwise we are destined to leave to future generations...a legacy of ill-health, a landscape of drought and destruction. But, Life is all about positive energy; energy never dies and ''hope springs eternal.'' Out of subterranean darkness, young plants continue to shoot into the light and find their way back in the dark. And, with this kind of awakening, we pray that we, as human beings, will follow their example.

The earth was entrusted to us. We are its caretakers. We must protect and conserve the earth's resources, our resources; It is our responsibility to nurture it, as it nurtures us; to raise awareness and support
that consciousness no differently than we would water and raise a plant or any living be-ing. Those who struggle to create, survive in the more meaningful way and are thus re-created. Whatever energy we can put forth with the breath of good intention can never be lost. Human be-ings are connected to one another by invisible healing threads of light—-light-waves and vibrations which bind us together and weave the fabric and pattern of our lives. Words, sound and images that impart meaning and spark connection are stronger than steel and have the ability to lend understanding, to inspire to move us to spring to action. And this is the kind of action that is desperately needed. The kind that inspires not only with words, but by our example. We are Living Poems. Living Art. We must constantly remind ourselves that each of us can make a difference. That no positive action is too insignificant. As the world turns, we must, in turn, do good turns for one another and our planet.

A nominee for the Pushcart Prize, The Best of the Net, and a former San Francisco Poetry Slam Champion, Antonia Alexandra Klimenko is widely published. Her work has appeared in (among others) Jazz and Literature, XXI Century World Literature (which she represents France) and Maintenant : Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art archived at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. She is the Poet in Residence. for SpokenWord Paris. Her selected poems On the Way to Invisible was recently published by The Opiate Books and is now available.

The Creative Process is created with kind support from the Jan Michalski Foundation.

Fly by

Fly by

Once, long ago, I asked a taxi driver to tell me the worst thing about his job. I expected him to complain about the long hours or mechanical problems. Waiting to stop at a red light before answering, he said, ’The worst thing about my job is that I never hear the end of the story. People enter my taxi halfway through their conversation and leave without finishing it.’ I often think about that taxi driver and how the fragments of a story inspired me the most. I want my work to feel open-ended, like a snapshot of a much bigger tale, a springboard for one’s imagination to go on an unexpected ride.

Portrait of Hunter

Portrait of Hunter

What stands out most about this project is the appreciation that is being expressed towards artists of all backgrounds and generations. The non discriminatory nature of this project truly allows us to resonate with each other in a non judgmental manner, thus further examining what it truly means to make art and put it out into the world.

Jill Zheng

Jill Zheng

I love hiking in the woods, listening to bird songs and seeing different shades of greens, yellows and reds in the vegetation. It’s a time to be with other species and appreciate the multitude forms of life that allows our planet thrive. There was also a rare moment in the city of Shanghai when a squirrel suddenly landed on my hand as I was walking on the street. It was a split second of touch, yet a true moment of intimacy (the paws pressed on my skin) felt from our kin. Life is a planetary phenomenon, and its biodiversity is something I don’t wish and we can’t afford to lose. We need to rebuild our kinship with life on earth that’s deeply rooted in evolutionary time and understand our place as a node in the mesh of the more-than-human world.

Thanatos & Eros

Thanatos & Eros

The God Eros is the god of passion, love, and eroticism in Greek mythology. It represents the “life drive,” and probably everyone has heard of it. Perhaps the god Thanatos - god of death - won't be as well-known; and he was, and continues to be, my great interest, so I dedicated most of my study to him. Not to be confused with Hades, the god of the dead. Thanatos inspired Sigmund Freud, who determined that all instincts fall into one of two main classes: the life instincts or the death instincts. The Life Instincts (Eros) are those that deal with basic survival, pleasure, and reproduction. Regarding the Death Instinct (Thanatos), Freud proposed that “the goal of all life is death.” He concluded that people have an unconscious desire to die, but that this desire is largely tempered by life instincts. In Freud's view, self-destructive behavior is an expression of the energy created by death instincts. When this energy is directed outward, and toward others, it is expressed as aggression and violence.