Doctor Carolyn Waters Broe has spent years researching and writing about the classical composers. She is published in many music journals and wrote her dissertation on the music of Arizona composer Louise Lincoln Kerr. Broe is the Principal Violist of the Scottsdale Philharmonic and the Founding Conductor of the Four Seasons Orchestra in Arizona. Having taught music in colleges and public K-12 schools, she now teaches violin, viola, cello, and piano at her private studio.


I feel that the earth is like a classroom for soul growth and we’re put here to overcome challenges, and we may be working on something like humility or compassion or love of humanity. The challenges might be something like war or cancer. Everybody gets a challenge to work on in their lives, but they also get a great gift to help them through those challenges. You just have to know how to use those gifts.

Our young musicians are very well rounded. They are also very good at mathematics and history and so they bring all of this into their music. They study the composers, and so they’re maturity level is much higher at a younger age than most people.

This interview was conducted by Mia Funk with the participation of collaborating universities and students. Associate Interviews Producer on this podcast was Amy Epps. Digital Media Coordinator is Hannah Story Brown.


Mia Funk is an artist, interviewer and founder of The Creative Process.