Untitled, London

Untitled, London

I am drawn to The Creative Process because it resonates with my belief that art is both personal expression and an evolving conversation. I believe that images are not merely representations, but catalysts for introspection, provoking reflection and challenging perception. This project feels like a natural extension of that pursuit: an opportunity to share my vision with others who, like me, value the subtleties of individual perception over the noise of passing trends. It might also be interesting to consider how different perspectives shape the narrative of the human experience.

The Child With the Big Face

The Child With the Big Face

It turned out that she was a relative, a cousin of her reclusive uncle, an intellectual, obsessed with books, whom the Nazis had deported him to a concentration camp. A man of honour, he had been made the heir of his Jewish publisher when the latter’s firm had been ‘Aryanized’, but had neglected to reinstate the owner afterwards. This part of the legend surrounding the company had passed into oblivion however, leaving only his own tale of hardship.

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Small Deaths

Small Deaths

Since I’m demanding honesty from racists, I must confess that part of my Marechera question was projection. I’ve been selfish. I’ve been more grateful for the personal fury of changes that the Fallists churned up and mirrored inside me than for the actual movement itself. Even if I was as presumptuous as Brenda Marechera in her political metaphor, I don’t know if I’d call my leaving Joburg for Cape Town a personal exile. The only other way I can explain it is as a form of masochism.

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Dusty Edge of Insanity

Dusty Edge of Insanity

The light in the window must give you a courage,
lights are not faded away yet, children shine in streets,
the Western wind will color them gold, every mother
feels her child as the rays feel the way out of darkness,
mother’s voice echoes in the dark: Where are you, Lord?
Where is my son? Where is my daughter? Where is their kingdom?!