Writer and Director

When I compare novelists to short story writers or very short story writers, I can’t compare them, but one thing for sure, the purpose is different. I think that someone who writes tries to create or document a world. And when you write very short fiction you try to document a motion, some kind of movement.



Curator · Writer · Interviewer & Artistic Director of Serpentine Gallery

I always thought that curating has to do with junction making. I think when I wake up in the morning, I always think how can I bring people together? We haven't met each other yet. And I think my activity has always to do with junction making. When I do exhibitions, I make junctions between artworks. I make junctions between artists. I make junctions between art and different disciplines because I think we live in a society where there are a lot of silos. There are different very specialized worlds. And I've always seen it as my role to make connections between these different worlds. If we want to address the big questions or challenges of the 21st century–if it's extinction and ecology or if it's inequality or if it's the future of technology–I think it's very important that we go beyond the fear of pooling knowledge. We go beyond these silos of knowledge and bring the different disciplines together.



Interview Highlights

I've always, pretty much from the beginning, I've always wanted to write as if I were paying by the word to be published. So that's always gone in there. Whether it's film or television, whether it's comics, whether it's novels, and especially short stories. I want everything to count. I want every word to count.



The artificial beginning is interesting to me. There is a clear-cut: old life, that's old country, and here's there's new life, new country. It is an advantage. You are looking at life through an old pair of eyes and a new pair of eyes. And there's always that ambivalence––Where do you belong? And how do you belong? And I do think these are advantages of immigrant writers or writers with two languages or who have two worlds.



In a way, I sometimes think that it’s when the divergences from what really happened are quite small that it calls for the services of a very scrupulous and clever biographer. Certainly the stuff you get about me from my books it’s not–how can I put it?–it’s not reliable as evidence in any court of law. I’m very conscious that I’m not under oath when I’m writing.